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Англо-русский политический словарь - popular


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(among / with smb) популярный, известный (среди кого-л.); народный

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  adj.  1) народный; popular majority - большинство народа, населения; popular pressure - давление народных масс  2) популярный; he is popular with his pupils - он пользуется любовью своих учеников  3) общедоступный; at popular prices - по общедоступным ценам  4) общераспространенный; широко известный; popular newspapers - газеты с большим тиражом Syn: see general POPULAR consultation (все)народный опрос POPULAR yearnings народные чаяния ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. массовая газета или массовый журнал 2. эстрадный концерт 3. народный popular government —- народное правительство P. Front —- Народный фронт popular tumult —- народное волнение popular election —- всеобщие выборы popular discontent —- недовольство (широких) народных масс popular suffrage —- всеобщее избирательное право popular majority —- большинство населения popular vote —- прямые выборы, голосование на прямых выборах (в отличие от голосования в коллегии выборщиков) popular language —- народный язык popular etymology —- народная этимология with a popular appeal —- нравящийся людям 4. доходчивый, понятный, популярный popular lectures —- популярные (общедоступные) лекции 5. общедоступный at popular prices —- по общедоступным ценам popular edition —- популярное (массовое, дешевое) издание 6. популярный, пользующийся известностью, популярностью popular hero —- любимый герой popular song —- популярная песня he is popular in society —- он популярен (его любят) в обществе she is popular with men —- она нравится мужчинам (пользуется успехом у мужчин) he is popular for his kindness —- его любят за доброту 7. (обще)распространенный popular error —- распространенная ошибка popular aphorism —- известный афоризм it is a popular belief that black cats bring bad luck —- считается, что черные кошки приносят несчастье 8....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  прил. 1) популярный 2) народный 3) понятный 4) пользующийся хорошим спросом, ходкий 5) (обще)распространенный - at popular prices - popular election ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  расхожий, популярный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. 1 liked or admired by many people or by a specified group (popular teachers; a popular hero). 2 a of or carried on by the general public (popular meetings). b prevalent among the general public (popular discontent). 3 adapted to the understanding, taste, or means of the people (popular science; popular medicine). Phrases and idioms popular front a party or coalition representing left-wing elements. popular music songs, folk tunes, etc., appealing to popular tastes. Derivatives popularism n. popularity n. popularly adv. Etymology: ME f. AF populer, OF populeir or L popularis f. populus people ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Etymology: Latin ~is, from populus the people, a people  Date: 1548  1. of or relating to the general public  2. suitable to the majority: as  a. adapted to or indicative of the understanding and taste of the majority a ~ history of the war  b. suited to the means of the majority ; inexpensive sold at ~ prices  3. frequently encountered or widely accepted a ~ misconception  4. commonly liked or approved a very ~ girl  Synonyms: see common  • ~ly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is popular is enjoyed or liked by a lot of people. This is the most popular ball game ever devised... Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters. ? unpopular ADJ • popularity ...the growing popularity of Australian wines among consumers... Walking and golf increased in popularity during the 1980s. N-UNCOUNT: oft with poss 2. Someone who is popular is liked by most people, or by most people in a particular group. He remained the most popular politician in France... ? unpopular ADJ • popularity It is his popularity with ordinary people that sets him apart. N-UNCOUNT: oft with poss 3. Popular newspapers, television programmes, or forms of art are aimed at ordinary people and not at experts or intellectuals. Once again the popular press in Britain has been rife with stories about their marriage. ...one of the classics of modern popular music. ADJ: ADJ n 4. Popular ideas, feelings, or attitudes are approved of or held by most people. The military government has been unable to win popular support... ADJ: usu ADJ n • popularity Over time, though, Watson’s views gained in popularity. N-UNCOUNT 5. Popular is used to describe political activities which involve the ordinary people of a country, and not just members of political parties. The late President Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a popular uprising in 1986. ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 liked by a lot of people  (Hilary was popular at school.)  (Video games are very popular with children. | a popular holiday resort)  (- opposite unpopular) 2 popular belief/view/misconception a belief etc that a lot of people have  (contrary to popular belief)  (Contrary to popular belief, gorillas are basically shy, gentle creatures.) 3 only before noun popular entertainment, newspapers, programmes etc are intended to be suitable for ordinary people  (pilloried by the popular press) 4 only before noun done by a lot of people in a society, group etc  (popular protest | It was decided by popular vote.) 5 you'll be popular spoken used when telling someone that other people will be annoyed with them  (You'll be popular when they find out you've lost their tickets.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 15c., from L. popularis "belonging to the people," from populus "people." Originally "public;" meaning "well-liked, admired by the people" is from 1608. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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